The terms included in a business contract can guide how a company operates and may dictate how profitable operations prove to be. Contracts can give a business access to leased commercial facilities. They can ensure that companies have appropriate talent provided by...
3 of the most common contract-related legal disputes
Contracts, by their nature, help to minimize the risk of business conflicts. Contracts can help specify the nature of a business relationship and what obligation each party has to the other. They provide a clear record of agreements between two parties that helps to...
3 common mistakes people make during successions
Managing the succession process in Louisiana can be quite a challenge. Individuals often struggle to understand their responsibilities and properly fulfill them. Small mistakes can lead to litigation in succession court or even personal financial liability. Mistakes...
When is it time to get legal help regarding HOA issues?
Homeowners association (HOA) neighborhoods exist all throughout Louisiana, and often their operations are straightforward and uncomplicated. Still, there are legal implications to every decision made by an HOA, and sometimes actions taken by the HOA can have legal...
When is wage theft legally actionable?
Your work is valuable, which is why you don’t do it for free. Your employer must compensate you for your time and effort. If they fail to pay you, you have the right to take legal action against them, as they may be committing wage theft. However, before you decide to...
Natural disaster claim fraud is a problem for insurers
Insurance companies have a difficult task to handle. They have to determine who is making genuine claims, how much to pay those people in benefits and manage their holdings at the same time. If they pay out too much, it could hurt the business. If they don’t pay out...
Understanding how government contracts work and your responsibilities
It’s possible for small, medium and big businesses to go after government contracts and to have the resources needed to complete that contract on time and up to standard. That said, government contracts are not the same as others and include a Statement of Work that...
5 benefits of a business succession plan
The idea of leaving your business can be hard to think about, but there comes a time every business owner will have to face the future. Preparing for what will happen to your business when you pass it on will ensure its continued success. A succession plan can help...
What rights do I have as a creditor?
As a small business owner, receiving full, timely payments is crucial to your operation’s success. You may have to pursue nonpaying clients but might worry about how to do so in a firm and effective manner. Knowing your rights as a creditor can help you strike such a...